
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

Overwintering fuchsia & geranium

The contained plant can be overwintered in any dark, cool place that is 40° F and frost free. The soil must not be allowed to dry out.
Bring the plant indoors before the first frost is expected. Pruning the plant back prior to overwintering will reestablish a centrally located scaffold for new growth.
This will result in the formation of a full, compact plant when growth resumes. Remove
all the green and red stems, leaving the tan hardwood. Remove all the leaves. Water to keep the plant slightly moist but not wet during the winter.
Early next spring, perhaps as early as mid-to-late February, new growth should start appearing. When this happens,
increase moisture and return it to the growing conditions the plant prefers increased light and warmer temperatures.
When new growth starts, it will often produce single stem branches. If left to continue, this would result in a sparse, leggy plant. Pinching the growing
tips early will promote branching, and the result will be a plant that fills and covers the container.
There are various ways to overwinter geranium. One method is to pull plants from the garden and remove as much soil as possible. Hang the plants upside down in a plastic bag with holes, containing
wet peat moss, in a cool location.
They can also be left in the pot and treated like fuchsia.

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